Please see posts and links here regarding actual Absolute Write abuse, and read what dozens of posters are saying before coming to conclusions. Note also that the owner of AW posing as Sorcha R. can be found posting all over the threads. The real users are saying the same critical things about abuse on AW, while the owner attempts to smear the message and messengers in any way she can. Please take note of this pattern. It is very very obvious.
Also, be careful if you post. The owner of Absolute Write is hanging out here engaging in acts of defamation and obfuscation. As many are saying, do not use your real photograph or identity because to do so risks retaliation by this person and her moderators.
IMO, this thread demonstrates once and for all that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write. Among other proofs, one of the posters discovered that the domain contact mail for the website is registered in her name.
Read and decide for yourself. The AW side claims the critics are all frauds. The critics claim AW and its owners and mods are overly abusive. Research will demonstrate who is lying and who is telling the truth.
Thanks to Sitejabber for allowing this discussion, and for not shutting it down as a few posters friendly to AW have pushed for.
Thank you.
Also, be careful if you post. The owner of Absolute Write is hanging out here engaging in acts of defamation and obfuscation. As many are saying, do not use your real photograph or identity because to do so risks retaliation by this person and her moderators.
IMO, this thread demonstrates once and for all that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write. Among other proofs, one of the posters discovered that the domain contact mail for the website is registered in her name.
Read and decide for yourself. The AW side claims the critics are all frauds. The critics claim AW and its owners and mods are overly abusive. Research will demonstrate who is lying and who is telling the truth.
Thanks to Sitejabber for allowing this discussion, and for not shutting it down as a few posters friendly to AW have pushed for.
Thank you.
As we've all recently learned, Macallister Stone is really Lisa L. Spangenberg. So, correction to the above.
7/26/13 • Votes (0)
"Melissa S" = troll. Like the two other obvious trolls here ("Michael C" and "Publisher W", who, with "Melissa", may actually all be the same person) "she" is using someone else's face to hide behind: http://www.blisstree.com/2013/01/15/fitness/inspirational-female-athletes-elizabeth-atwell/
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Oh look! Within moments of me putting up the comment above, "Melissa" changed her avatar. The old one is still around, tho--check out the URL: http://static1.sitejabber.com/img/users/melissas7/thumbnail_small.1376850022.jpg . Wonder who the new pic depicts?
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Apparently you are answering your opening sentence in the affirmative MacAllister Spangenberg because you are engaging in the very behaviour you are claiming to be so injured by.
3 weeks ago • Votes (2)
Oh, Sorcha, so picky! Everyone here is using someone else's photograph or a graphic symbol of some sort. So what? You're an anonymous entity pretending not to be the real owner of Absolute Write. Wouldn't you just love to have her real photo so you could hunt her down and smear her like you do everyone else?
1 week ago • Votes (0)
See the link above. This pretty much props the theory that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write, and Macallister Stone a nonexistent creature manufactured for purposes of evasion and havoc.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Melissa, why are there no links here to the abuse on AW? You keep talking about them so I'd like to see them. And please, not just to a single post here and there. I prefer threads so I can have some context to go along with the insults.
2 days ago • Votes (1)
Why is it people who love AW keep asking us to look up things and when we do they want us to cite more? I'm sick of going on AW to look for things. It's simple, go there and use Advanced Search and type in "Banned" "F***" and so on into the words section and let it run. You'll see all kinds of professionalism. Don't believe me? Try it and see.
2 days ago • Votes (1)
Blue D. posted links. The thread he linked to was merged as you could see and so it was a jumble of several threads.
2 days ago • Votes (0)
Here's something for you:
2 days ago • Votes (0)
Forgot this one:
2 days ago • Votes (0)
See I even added one that tells good stuff.
2 days ago • Votes (0)
Ok, so... two of your links don't work, and the others are about 2-3 people with bad experiences. [EDITOR NOTE: "Ray M." is making a false statement. The links are far more than 2-3 people] And that's horrible! As administrator, Macallister probably should have tried talking to Robin before banning in such a crude way, unless there were extenuating circumstances beyond that one thread of which I'm not aware.
However, that being said:
http://absolutewrite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277129 Old Hack does seem kind of an ass.
So, here's my point: For every person that's had a bad experience at AW, there are probably two that have had a positive experience. Maybe they never came across a mod, as I haven't, and they've lived a perfectly natural life. I've seen inspiration, commiseration, well wishes, and such.
Now, that being said, I did venture into the Self Publishing forums to look through a few threads, and I did see people that seemed to be there for a while being more harsh than is necessary. However, when I read through the threads, the OP are usually people that finished a book last week, got a rejection, and is like $#*! it lets self pub. Which, hey, to each his own. So, maybe the people being asses on there think they are 'doing it for their own good' or maybe they just like being an ass, and hate self pubs. I don't know. Since I don't intend to self publish anytime in the distant future, I have no need to look up information for that.
But, thanks for the links!
However, that being said:
http://absolutewrite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277129 Old Hack does seem kind of an ass.
So, here's my point: For every person that's had a bad experience at AW, there are probably two that have had a positive experience. Maybe they never came across a mod, as I haven't, and they've lived a perfectly natural life. I've seen inspiration, commiseration, well wishes, and such.
Now, that being said, I did venture into the Self Publishing forums to look through a few threads, and I did see people that seemed to be there for a while being more harsh than is necessary. However, when I read through the threads, the OP are usually people that finished a book last week, got a rejection, and is like $#*! it lets self pub. Which, hey, to each his own. So, maybe the people being asses on there think they are 'doing it for their own good' or maybe they just like being an ass, and hate self pubs. I don't know. Since I don't intend to self publish anytime in the distant future, I have no need to look up information for that.
But, thanks for the links!
2 days ago • Votes (1)
Your welcome. I didn't have a bad encounter for years so I understand the way you are taking up for them, I did it too. I just found out later on that my efforts were in vain and I should have let it be. I should have lurked I guess. I wish this site had a way to revise your posts because I make one and think of something new and have to make another post right after. BTW your picture isn't that bad :)
2 days ago • Votes (0)
"Why is it people who love AW keep asking us to look up things and when we do they want us to cite more?"
Perhaps they're slacktavists.
They sure don't want to discuss the content of the lawsuit against Absolutewrite that I've posted a link to several times. Perhaps the alleged conduct of some current Absolutewrite devotees disgusts them as much as it disgusts others.
Perhaps they're slacktavists.
They sure don't want to discuss the content of the lawsuit against Absolutewrite that I've posted a link to several times. Perhaps the alleged conduct of some current Absolutewrite devotees disgusts them as much as it disgusts others.
2 days ago • Votes (0)
Awww thanks =)
As I've said, I've only posted on AW for about two years, on and off. Usually when I need something read by someone other than myself, which is why most of my posts will be found in the SYW board. There, and a few threads in the YA forum, are usually all I see. From that point of view, my place there is fine. If the time came and someone in one of my threads was verbally bashed and harassed for no reason, sure it'd piss me off. I don't normally let that burn me from something entirely though, I just avoid things I don't like.
Such as, now that I've ventured into the Self Publishing forum, if I ever wanted to go down that route or had questions about it... I probably wouldn't ask them there.
As I've said, I've only posted on AW for about two years, on and off. Usually when I need something read by someone other than myself, which is why most of my posts will be found in the SYW board. There, and a few threads in the YA forum, are usually all I see. From that point of view, my place there is fine. If the time came and someone in one of my threads was verbally bashed and harassed for no reason, sure it'd piss me off. I don't normally let that burn me from something entirely though, I just avoid things I don't like.
Such as, now that I've ventured into the Self Publishing forum, if I ever wanted to go down that route or had questions about it... I probably wouldn't ask them there.
2 days ago • Votes (1)
Oi, and then comes Janna Chan.
actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement, e.g., signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social networking website.
So, i don't think you mean what you think you mean.
Anyway, what link would that be? I wouldn't mind reading it, but I'm not searching out all of your numerous postings to find it. I'm lazy like that I guess. (Or I just don't like searching out things pertaining to you, I'll let you take your pick hon)
actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement, e.g., signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social networking website.
So, i don't think you mean what you think you mean.
Anyway, what link would that be? I wouldn't mind reading it, but I'm not searching out all of your numerous postings to find it. I'm lazy like that I guess. (Or I just don't like searching out things pertaining to you, I'll let you take your pick hon)
2 days ago • Votes (1)
"Anyway, what link would that be?" The one in my initial comment addressed directly to you.
Ray, how do you know my full name? It was attached to a site in my profile but I took that down some time ago and you claim that you just came across this site by chance yesterday, I believe.
Could it be that you're not who you say you are and are actually posting under a fake I.D. unlike myself? You seem to be going out of your way to attack me personally. Did someone send you over here to do that? How else could you know my full name?
I'm not big on wondering who's who at Absolutewrite yet your writing style is similar to the writing style of the person who e-mailed me claiming to be MacAllister Stone. Hmm...
actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement, e.g., signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social networking website."
I think that definition describes the level of effort you've put into advocating for Absolutewrite's owners. If you'd like to see how much energy I've put into investigating the allegations of cyber-stalking and harassment that appear to be stemming from Absolutewrite, I guess you'll have to expend energy actually reading about the subject in question instead of just calling people Morons and putting Sitejabber's swearing monitor to the test.
Or you could go back to hanging out on Absolute Write as you claimed initially that you didn't care about what was going on at this site.
Ray, how do you know my full name? It was attached to a site in my profile but I took that down some time ago and you claim that you just came across this site by chance yesterday, I believe.
Could it be that you're not who you say you are and are actually posting under a fake I.D. unlike myself? You seem to be going out of your way to attack me personally. Did someone send you over here to do that? How else could you know my full name?
I'm not big on wondering who's who at Absolutewrite yet your writing style is similar to the writing style of the person who e-mailed me claiming to be MacAllister Stone. Hmm...
actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement, e.g., signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social networking website."
I think that definition describes the level of effort you've put into advocating for Absolutewrite's owners. If you'd like to see how much energy I've put into investigating the allegations of cyber-stalking and harassment that appear to be stemming from Absolutewrite, I guess you'll have to expend energy actually reading about the subject in question instead of just calling people Morons and putting Sitejabber's swearing monitor to the test.
Or you could go back to hanging out on Absolute Write as you claimed initially that you didn't care about what was going on at this site.
2 days ago • Votes (0)
Ah, my apologies for doubting your integrity, Ray. I believe I did sign my name in my notes to "Mac" in the question and answer section. It's interesting that you've read through them yet still consider me a slacktivist and yourself a non-slacktivist based on our relative contributions to the issues at hand :-)
2 days ago • Votes (0)
Actually, I don't believe anything I've said anywhere, anytime in any of my comments advocating for any of the sites owners or moderators. I do believe that if you cared to actually read and understand others' comments, you'd find that all I've stood up for is the site itself and its ability to help people. Not the site as a PERSON, as you people seem fond of doing, but the site as a community. That has zero do to with moderators or owners, and more to do with the day-to-week people, such as myself, that use the forums as a sounding board for ideas and advice.
So, perhaps you should get straight exactly what it is I'm doing here before trying to attack me. You want to know the level of effort I've put into writing comments into a box on this web site? About as much energy as it takes for my fingers to move a few inches over at a time. As far as copy/pasting links, well that wasn't hard at all. And the reading, well I do that a lot anyway so it came pretty naturally.
Now then, if you could go away, Cindy and I were having a nice conversation and I do believe understanding one another, which happens when two people actually pay attention to what the other is writing.
Oh, and as for me attacking you personally, that's just because of what you're doing here. A week ago you were a random person passing by, and this week you're ready to take on the world. Trust me when I say this isn't Rainmaker, but believe me when I say that you keep on keeping on, just stop bringing me into your conversations. Because if you remember, it was YOU that chose to come to MY review, when I was perfectly happy just leaving it right there where it was. Well, save for good old mel.
So, perhaps you should get straight exactly what it is I'm doing here before trying to attack me. You want to know the level of effort I've put into writing comments into a box on this web site? About as much energy as it takes for my fingers to move a few inches over at a time. As far as copy/pasting links, well that wasn't hard at all. And the reading, well I do that a lot anyway so it came pretty naturally.
Now then, if you could go away, Cindy and I were having a nice conversation and I do believe understanding one another, which happens when two people actually pay attention to what the other is writing.
Oh, and as for me attacking you personally, that's just because of what you're doing here. A week ago you were a random person passing by, and this week you're ready to take on the world. Trust me when I say this isn't Rainmaker, but believe me when I say that you keep on keeping on, just stop bringing me into your conversations. Because if you remember, it was YOU that chose to come to MY review, when I was perfectly happy just leaving it right there where it was. Well, save for good old mel.
2 days ago • Votes (1)
I did read through them! Though, you both were trying so hard to be annoyingly legal that it made my eyes bleed, so I just skimmed through the important parts.
2 days ago • Votes (1)
Bye, Bye, Ray.
2 days ago • Votes (0)
2 days ago • Votes (1)
I came to investigate the site, looked around for some time before coming to SiteJabber. I was just about to join, despite negative comments - then I saw the drama that unfold here on this website! I certainly don't want to be part of a site whose administration goes back and forth on third-paty sites as if they were in a high school cafeteria. Shame, AW admin + moderation, shame! All companies/groups ought to treat their members kindly and after what I saw, this isn't the case at AW. I certainly wouldn't take any profession writing advice from people who can't behave properly online - something my 10 year old knows how to do!
Beware. Absolute Write, in the hands of Lisa Spangenberg and her associates, is in effect a judge-jury-prosecutor platform, and one utilized on an almost daily basis to publicly humiliate, bash, defame and even scold people they have never met and do not know, as well as businesses they have never interacted with in any form whatsoever. All it takes is for one question to be asked, or one axe grinder to make an appearance, and the predators smell blood. A swarm of anonymous fairies and fops with ridiculous icons appear and begin fomenting themselves into leaps of logic, unfounded assumptions, and distortions of reality. All this would be amusing if it were not for the fact that their extensive dialogues and diatribes become public record and are ranked high in Google.
And will the average reader always understand what kind of sociopaths he or she is witnessing. Not necessarily. They appear to speak from authority quite often, give the appearance of sincerity, and there is a background history of real scams revealed by Absolute Write. Users there like Victoria Strauss, who give the appearance of legitimacy, will rush in to show support. But as we all know, the best way to maintain the momentum at Absolute Write is to mix a few grains of truth into one continuous and hydra-headed avalanche of lie. In reality, the core site is a lie on more than one level. The owner and her sock puppets and assorted gang not only shred people all day for amusement and publicity (as someone pointed out, the mediocre writers get publicity for their poorly written books each time they post) and monetary gain (huge revenue from advertisements), the site itself purports to offer good advice to writers when in fact it does no such thing. Advice is amateurish and quite often just plain wrong.
Regardless, the bullies at Absolute Write, herded there by Lisa Spangenberg (as we all now know) and goaded on by her at all times with great vigor, basically function as a Salem witch trial. Accusations are often baseless, but delivered and discussed with excessive zeal. Victims are displayed for purposes of torture, and anyone who disagrees is accused of being a witch also.
One has to ask: what gives such cowardly arm-chair nerds the right to act as prosecutors, judge and jury? Nothing gives them the right. These are a bunch of losers looking for payback. I've seen it before. I've fired abnormals like this at my job because they were caught retaliating against other workers using phony online identities.
I know the type, and I sincerely hope someone is able to bring legal action against Lisa Spangenberg and her hateful crew.
Note to anyone reading this: the owner of Absolute Write is here under the pseudo "sorcha r." Please do not use a real photo associated with your account if you post. She will use a method to discover who you are and your private life and job will be in jeopardy. You and your business will be smeared on Absolute Write with 48 hours of discovery. This is no joke. Please review the threads proving her true identity.
And will the average reader always understand what kind of sociopaths he or she is witnessing. Not necessarily. They appear to speak from authority quite often, give the appearance of sincerity, and there is a background history of real scams revealed by Absolute Write. Users there like Victoria Strauss, who give the appearance of legitimacy, will rush in to show support. But as we all know, the best way to maintain the momentum at Absolute Write is to mix a few grains of truth into one continuous and hydra-headed avalanche of lie. In reality, the core site is a lie on more than one level. The owner and her sock puppets and assorted gang not only shred people all day for amusement and publicity (as someone pointed out, the mediocre writers get publicity for their poorly written books each time they post) and monetary gain (huge revenue from advertisements), the site itself purports to offer good advice to writers when in fact it does no such thing. Advice is amateurish and quite often just plain wrong.
Regardless, the bullies at Absolute Write, herded there by Lisa Spangenberg (as we all now know) and goaded on by her at all times with great vigor, basically function as a Salem witch trial. Accusations are often baseless, but delivered and discussed with excessive zeal. Victims are displayed for purposes of torture, and anyone who disagrees is accused of being a witch also.
One has to ask: what gives such cowardly arm-chair nerds the right to act as prosecutors, judge and jury? Nothing gives them the right. These are a bunch of losers looking for payback. I've seen it before. I've fired abnormals like this at my job because they were caught retaliating against other workers using phony online identities.
I know the type, and I sincerely hope someone is able to bring legal action against Lisa Spangenberg and her hateful crew.
Note to anyone reading this: the owner of Absolute Write is here under the pseudo "sorcha r." Please do not use a real photo associated with your account if you post. She will use a method to discover who you are and your private life and job will be in jeopardy. You and your business will be smeared on Absolute Write with 48 hours of discovery. This is no joke. Please review the threads proving her true identity.
Do I detect a whiff of sour grapes here? BTW, speaking of ridiculous icons--nice stock photo avatar, Publisher W! Hope you paid for it. http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/woman-wearing-eyeglasses-royalty-free-image/86539554
8/11/13 • Votes (1)
Of course it's not my real face, and if you spent God knows how many hours hunting it down, I feel sorry for you. If I used my real face the Absolute Write cronies would threaten my job, as they've done callously with other writers.
8/11/13 • Votes (1)
My real face is cuter, btw.
8/11/13 • Votes (2)
"sorcha r." is another sock puppet of Lisa Spangenberg. Such a huge issue. You're not using your real face? A little mega-monster pot calling the little kettle black?
8/12/13 • Votes (1)
Publisher W., I can sure understand how you'd be afraid to post your real face, given that the all-powerful Absolute Write cabal with its mighty ESP could immediately guess your identity, snap its collective fingers, and whisk you off to the unemployment line (if, of course, you actually are some kind of publisher, and not some overweight dude riding a keyboard in his mother's basement). But my goodness, you went to a lot of trouble to find a fake visage! All the way to Getty Images, when you could have just snagged a clown-face from some public domain clipart site! Points for effort, tho.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Everyone should note how Absolute Write owner Lisa Spangenberg, or one of her associates, like a good Fox News anchor, continues to sidestep the core issues and shift focus to one critic's thumb image on his site. Nearly everyone here is using substitute images, or no images. What of it? Who cares? This weak attempt to cast doubt only underscores the validity of what Publisher W. is saying, or else Lisa wouldn't be here attacking her.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
This weak attempt at refutation only underscores what an absurd trollfest this is, or The Write Agenda (a.k.a. "Melissa S.") wouldn't be here egging things on.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Look who else is sporting a fake avatar! "Melissa S" a.k.a. The Write Agenda. Except that "Melissa" has stolen the photo of a real person. http://www.blisstree.com/2013/01/15/fitness/inspirational-female-athletes-elizabeth-atwell/
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Oh look! Within moments of me putting up the comment above, "Melissa" changed her avatar. The old one is still around, tho--check out the URL: http://static1.sitejabber.com/img/users/melissas7/thumbnail_small.1376850022.jpg . Wonder who the new pic depicts?
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Confirmed by whom? You? Evidence, please--and I'm talking actual, objective data, not assumptions and accusations. Please provide actual, verifiable, checkable evidence to back up your claim that I am Absolute Write's owner. See, this is why no one takes you seriously--well, apart from the obvious looniness of your obsession. You do, and say, exactly what you accuse others of doing and saying: you libel, insult and harass, and you make accusations without a shred of actual evidence to back them up.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I think "sorcha r." that as others have said you are the real owner because you stand to lose if you can't stem this big wave of resistance to your poop. Money is involved. Hasn't that been proved? Of course you are the real owner. The real owner spends all this time here battling it out, chasing avatars, harassing and insulting as much as possible. No casual user of the Absolute Write site would do this. This is something everyone can see as obvious. Only someone crazy would waste so much time attempting to recreate the environment at Absolute Write for no good reason. Someone like, well, he's right above this post. Um, uhhhhhh. Bye.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
And please stop pretending like your board full of bad writers can really give anyone advice. It can't. It sucks worse than reruns of the Kardashian show. I think I want a Kardashian avatar. This will give you something to do. You can come crashing in here full of juvenile snark and point your finger like a stupid little chitter: OH LOOK, SHE STOLE KIM KARDASHIAN'S AVATAR. HOW CAN YOU TRUST HER OPINION ABOUT OUR SUCKY WEBSITE?
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Apparently you are answering your opening sentence in the affirmative MacAllister Spangenberg because you are engaging in the very behaviour you are claiming to be so injured by.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
David H. = yet another sockpuppet identity of the sockpuppet master behind Michael C., Publisher W., and Melissa S. Not Tom D., tho--he's his own real self.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Look everyone, it's the chief preying mantis of Absolute Write slumming on Sitejabber for the sake of exposing sockpuppets! LOL! No issues, just sockpuppet and avatar finger pointing day after day, night after night. There goes another! Oh, look, a phony photo! A sad excuse for standing on principles, Lisa, when you have no principles at all, and no defense at all. You must dream of grinding sockpuppets and stock avatars to dust beneath your own sockpuppet heels. Macallister Spangenberg! How are you? How many sock puppets do you have here? You and your sock puppets here are such fracking good mind readers. In this corner we have chief preying mantis, Lisa Spangenberg from Santa Monica, who everyone knows as Macallister Stone, a woman who challenges and chases off sockpuppets from Absolute Write while pretending here that she is not Lisa by obsessing on sockpuppets in the same manner she obsesses on Absolute Write. Stupid to give yourself away so transparently. LOL, I can't stop laughing. So incredibly dumb. And if David and Melissa and so forth are all different versions of THE SOCKPUPPET MASTER, then I would like to join. Where do I sign up? I would do anything to defy you and your nest of anonymous chigger frauds. And we all know you are no writer, Lisa, only a tech manual creator, along with your husband--oh yes, I saw those links. The whole world has seen them. btw, you have zero qualification to run a site for real writers since you can't write.. No one could actually believe any of this unless and until they become a victim of it. I know the truth, and I won't stop saying it. "sorcha r." ... give us all a break. I suggest you become another sockpuppet and start over. "sorcha r." has revealed herself to be Lisa Spangenberg's chief sockpuppet.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
everyone, it's The Write Agenda again, using yet another fake name! (Is
it not amazing how all these profiles--Michael C. Melissa S., Sarah L,
David H., Publisher W--have suddenly shown up here, just as this topic
has become heated [thank you, Tom D]? Commenting on just this one
discussion thread? Do they have ESP or something? Or...could it be?
They're all the same troll!)
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Suddenly? LOL! Over the weeks since the revelation came out that Macallister Stone is your assassin sockpuppet on Absolute Write? You know, the one you use daily to bully and threaten new writers? And we know now, based on your true profile, that you can't write, and this explains your mounting venom towards others who try to write, or who can truly write. It's all so ironic and tragic. Absolute Write is run by an owner who behaves as if she hates writers. We all have seen it, scores and scores of us. You can't stand the fact they are trying to write, or that they can write. You play at being sympathetic as long as it earns you a buck, but whenever you can, you let loose on them in ways that are abhorrent and terrible to see. The postings about your bullying are all over the web and on this site. It's common knowledge. According to this http://www.stopthegrbullies.com/category/absolute-write/ website, you also bully writers over at Good Reads. It only makes sense. And hey, Lisa, I'm proud to be a troll!
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I AM A TROLL, HEAR ME ROAR, I AM SOCKPUPPET TO THE CORE, LOOSE THE ROCKS OF RETRIBUTION, LET ME FEEL THE RIGHT SOLUTION! Or something like that. I have to work on it. Let me go consult my troll friends at the Write Agenda. Be right back! LOL!
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Everyone, don't forget to go to Lisa Spangenberg's Linked In page.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
You know a lot of moderators that were there when Jenna ran the board left when Mac took over, I wonder why?
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
The Spangenberg Linked In page says it all. There is her chief sockpuppet along with her husband, Michael Cohen blurbing her. It is truly pathetic, and she dares to come here and engage in her vitriolic, puerile antics. And since I know she'll sock-monkey to this thread as soon as I post and then blather about my avatar like she has been for days, the truth is, I own the rights to use the stock photo, as do scores and scores of other people. It's really easy! Legions of humans own stock photos. But the avatar tangent by Lisa is just that, a tangent designed to erode the credibility of someone who critiques her bad seed child, Absolute Write.
Everyone here needs to band together and organize any way possible. This website is a perfect place for the start of a brave resistance movement to the Absolute Write witch trials presided over by the chief inquisitor Lisa.
Courage everyone.
Do you hear us, trolls of Absolute Write? Do you hear Lisa Spangenberg? I have money and I help with pursuing you by whatever legal means are available. I swear it.
Everyone here needs to band together and organize any way possible. This website is a perfect place for the start of a brave resistance movement to the Absolute Write witch trials presided over by the chief inquisitor Lisa.
Courage everyone.
Do you hear us, trolls of Absolute Write? Do you hear Lisa Spangenberg? I have money and I help with pursuing you by whatever legal means are available. I swear it.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
My goodness, such drama! Of course, to provide this financial assistance, you'll have to confess your true identity. What's that? Not happening? So much for brave resistance.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
There you are, rising to the bait! Everyone, may I officially introduce Lisa Spangenberg, the chief inquisitor of Absolute Write and hypocritus maximus, known far and wide as Macallister Stone. Yes, such drama. All we need do is engage in discovery. You have been chased from your holes and will be again. Remember your fraudulent domain address at the storage unit in WA?
The resistance takes many forms, Lisa. It begins here, and now. You mock and scoff, but time is on our side. Perhaps you can figure out who I am if you really desire to do so. Hint: I visited your Linked In profile within the past ten days--the one wherein you employ your Macallister to praise your work. You must find it terribly amusing that the blind writers of Linked In keep endorsing your alter ego Macallister. Dozens of writers brown-nosing the alleged mob boss of Absolute Write, a creature with no substance whatsoever, naught but a sock designed to distract and deflect.
The resistance takes many forms, Lisa. It begins here, and now. You mock and scoff, but time is on our side. Perhaps you can figure out who I am if you really desire to do so. Hint: I visited your Linked In profile within the past ten days--the one wherein you employ your Macallister to praise your work. You must find it terribly amusing that the blind writers of Linked In keep endorsing your alter ego Macallister. Dozens of writers brown-nosing the alleged mob boss of Absolute Write, a creature with no substance whatsoever, naught but a sock designed to distract and deflect.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Haaaa! You got her! Nailed. LOL. Thank you, thank you PW, whoever you are. And your avatar is cute, yes. Does it have a date this weekend?
Hey, Lisssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, GOTCHA! How does it feel? Too bad you can't ban us or email our employers, eh? This is so wonderful.
Hey, Lisssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, GOTCHA! How does it feel? Too bad you can't ban us or email our employers, eh? This is so wonderful.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
It must be confusing keeping all your passwords and profiles straight.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
@ sorcha You would know all about that, wouldn't you Lisa?
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
You're kind of like a quick-change artist, aren't you? Slipping off one fake identity, jumping right into another. Careful--you'll get whiplash!
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Yes, Lisa. Thank you for your concern.
I feel like I'm humoring the crazy aunt in the attic.
I feel like I'm humoring the crazy aunt in the attic.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
See the link above. This pretty much props the theory that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write, and Macallister Stone a nonexistent creature manufactured for purposes of evasion and havoc.
See the link above. This pretty much props the theory that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write, and Macallister Stone a nonexistent creature manufactured for purposes of evasion and havoc.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
As for the website no longer offering classes, well there's a reason I'm sure. One being posted on http://forums.writersweekly.com/viewtopic.php?t=8199 where a few who taught the classes were not paid as reported by this website. (Or not paid on time)
The hosting issue someone mentioned has been an issue too. Long ago, before the current owner owned the site, someone in the hosting site pulled the plug for all the comments in the bewares section when someone mentioned suing the site for what was written on it. They moved to a new host.
For the hosting thing, the writers of the blog outed the name and username of the person who pulled the site. Why? Why do this to someone who is doing their job? Not only did they give her full name and what website she owns, but her id, they also gave the name, address, email, phone number and fax to the hosting site to report her.
The hosting issue someone mentioned has been an issue too. Long ago, before the current owner owned the site, someone in the hosting site pulled the plug for all the comments in the bewares section when someone mentioned suing the site for what was written on it. They moved to a new host.
For the hosting thing, the writers of the blog outed the name and username of the person who pulled the site. Why? Why do this to someone who is doing their job? Not only did they give her full name and what website she owns, but her id, they also gave the name, address, email, phone number and fax to the hosting site to report her.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Where did Sorcha go?
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Where the goblins go? Below, below?
Let us pray ... oh God, relieve us of this Lilith of the writer forums. Let her hundreds of victims be whole. Let the many posts which have ruined their lives and careers now be free of unfair defamation, free of nerd vitriol, and most of all, free of Macallister stones. Let kindness settle over the boards of Absolute Write like a cool evening breeze over Santa Monica. Please God, grant us this small favor, and banish this relentless Lilith to the depths of Hell to be chewed in the jaws of Satan along with Brutus, Judas, and Tom O'Malley who sold the Dodgers to Los Angeles.
Please God? Please?
Let us pray ... oh God, relieve us of this Lilith of the writer forums. Let her hundreds of victims be whole. Let the many posts which have ruined their lives and careers now be free of unfair defamation, free of nerd vitriol, and most of all, free of Macallister stones. Let kindness settle over the boards of Absolute Write like a cool evening breeze over Santa Monica. Please God, grant us this small favor, and banish this relentless Lilith to the depths of Hell to be chewed in the jaws of Satan along with Brutus, Judas, and Tom O'Malley who sold the Dodgers to Los Angeles.
Please God? Please?
1 week ago • Votes (1)
Funniest part is her answer to the following question:
-How challenging is it to run a forum that’s so huge? How much time does it take? How do you deal with the unavoidable emails/PMs from people who aren’t pleased about something?
You got to read it! She says she feels no guilt for saying things on other channels about banned people.
Funniest part is her answer to the following question:
-How challenging is it to run a forum that’s so huge? How much time does it take? How do you deal with the unavoidable emails/PMs from people who aren’t pleased about something?
You got to read it! She says she feels no guilt for saying things on other channels about banned people.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Just an FYI: The original owner of the Absolutewrite is a woman named Jenna Glatzer:
She has a big online presence as a writer and this is her website -
She doesn't appear to reference founding Absolutewrite.com on her current website.
She has a big online presence as a writer and this is her website -
She doesn't appear to reference founding Absolutewrite.com on her current website.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Miss Snark goes on to delete a comment by someone who wrote something they didn't like about Mac. Wait, why is this anonymous agent who has no real affiliation with AW writing about AW, pretty much advertising it on her blog? Because they said something about her? If agents did that to everyone who mentioned them wouldn't they be following a lot of people?
Also, http://howpublishingreallyworks.com/?p=4368 to find legitimate claims of absurd behavior from the AW community. Of course, the people posting the bad stuff on AW are outed as living in the area of someone they think is against them and told they are wrong, they are scammers in disguise, etc.
I also want to add that the yahighway link shows Mac mentions being sued.
Miss Snark goes on to delete a comment by someone who wrote something they didn't like about Mac. Wait, why is this anonymous agent who has no real affiliation with AW writing about AW, pretty much advertising it on her blog? Because they said something about her? If agents did that to everyone who mentioned them wouldn't they be following a lot of people?
Also, http://howpublishingreallyworks.com/?p=4368 to find legitimate claims of absurd behavior from the AW community. Of course, the people posting the bad stuff on AW are outed as living in the area of someone they think is against them and told they are wrong, they are scammers in disguise, etc.
I also want to add that the yahighway link shows Mac mentions being sued.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
She mentions being sued, but not who or what got sued. I just wanted to clear that up. I'm not sure what happened afterward. I'm guessing she's talking about the BB lawsuit.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
This link appears to reference the lawsuit in which both Jenna Glatzer and MacAllister Stone are named as defendants a result of of having owned Absolutewrite.com at some point and allegedly making defamatory statements as a result.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Blue D., look at the comment that proves Snarky was agent Janet Reid who chummies with the AW bozo squad:
There's your answer!
There's your answer!
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Ah, yes.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
I want to add--
site is suspicious, evasive (her real name is missing, address is a P.O. Box, her pre-agent credentials and/or resume is missing), just like Snark
---just like Mac.
site is suspicious, evasive (her real name is missing, address is a P.O. Box, her pre-agent credentials and/or resume is missing), just like Snark
---just like Mac.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
The comment above is a quote from the site, not from me. I added "just like Mac" to it.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
The Absolute Write website has vanished again, for the second time in two days.
6 days ago • Votes (0)
The Absolutewrite facebook page consists of little more than excuses and notifications as to why the site is constantly doing down but twice in 2 days does seem excessive. They also don't appear to back the site up which means that people who have written material on their site have just had to live with it vanishing. Instead of bothering to back up the site, the AbsoluteWrite owners pretend there's nothing they can do to save data when a site goes down.
So much for professionalism.
I don't about the connections that Lisa S. or Mac or Sorcha R. have to anyone or anything.
However, there's evidence, such as a picture with the writer in question and Celine Dion, that Jenna Glatzer, the original owner of Absolutewrite according to this 2008 article,
wrote a book for Celine Dion. Thus she's probably a serious successful writer.
In 2013, her site -
references all sorts of interviews and accomplishments but says nothing about founding Absolutewrite. One does wonder why she was proud of her association with Absoluewrite in 2008 but is no longer advertising that she founded it in 2013 even though she lists minor interviews with radio stations as part of her resume of sorts.
She's also written a book about bullying. :-)
So it might be worth dropping Ms. Glatzer a line and asking her to how to address the bullying that seems to be coming from the site she founded.
And I leave that feedback with all who may be interested in it.
So much for professionalism.
I don't about the connections that Lisa S. or Mac or Sorcha R. have to anyone or anything.
However, there's evidence, such as a picture with the writer in question and Celine Dion, that Jenna Glatzer, the original owner of Absolutewrite according to this 2008 article,
wrote a book for Celine Dion. Thus she's probably a serious successful writer.
In 2013, her site -
references all sorts of interviews and accomplishments but says nothing about founding Absolutewrite. One does wonder why she was proud of her association with Absoluewrite in 2008 but is no longer advertising that she founded it in 2013 even though she lists minor interviews with radio stations as part of her resume of sorts.
She's also written a book about bullying. :-)
So it might be worth dropping Ms. Glatzer a line and asking her to how to address the bullying that seems to be coming from the site she founded.
And I leave that feedback with all who may be interested in it.
6 days ago • Votes (0)
If I had not read that Stephen King book on writing I would have kept believing the bad advice on Absolute Write by anonymous mods and people who claimed to be writers, but who turned out to be terrible writers. And as someone else here pointed out, even when you are receiving praise it turns out to be dumb, like a bunch of juveniles whooping for each other. And like many others here I quit after witnessing the moderators go French Revolution. You felt like they were going to do their best to make certain writers who disagreed with them never got published. I'm not saying I know for certain that the writers were blackballed in any way, but rumors were flying and the blood was flowing. Who said it was a blood bath? But the worst thing is that this type of Absolute Write environment attracts crazy people. I've seen it many times.
It has a mob mentality with people who pile on the insults. If they find it is approved by moderators then they keep doing it. You also receive points for jabs you give, that's why they have the scale thing that tells how many points that person has got. If you get approved for some heated comment from a moderator or the owner, they can give you ten or so points at once while regular users can only give one at a time. Early on, I used to write some things that I find appalling now, but after I stopped I noticed I never got many reputation points afterward and the moderators jumped on me more frequently for a slip up on a word or whatever. I think they harped for pages on the wrong use of a writing term that has been redefined since the fifties.
3 weeks ago • Votes (2)
Lisa Spangenberg, the owner, is on a rampage here as "sorcha r" pointing fingers at sockpuppets and raving about avatars as if she is losing her mind. She probably is losing it, or she has already lost it long ago. Who can tell? Oh, and everyone and anyone who doesn't like Absolute Write is a "troll of the Write Agenda." Who said this was like Fox News? Must have been me, or one of the trolls. Up with trolls! I am sockpuppet, hear me roar! I am so happy people are coming here to tell the truth about Absolute Write. Yay!
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Hello out there. Does anyone know how to place links in these posts so we can point to link to Absolute Write abuses?
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I just copied links and posted, not sure how it might here.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Links we can link from. Lisa is able to do it. We should too!
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I deleted my original review because I fear the backlash toward both me and the site jabber website will be harsh but the one star review stands no matter. I used the site, I was a member of AW for many years and I met some nice people but overall I had a bad experience with name calling by moderators and only wish to remain anonymous now.
Please do not contact me if you only wish to harass or troll me. Thanks.
Please do not contact me if you only wish to harass or troll me. Thanks.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
It's not Mac, Cindy, it's Lisa Spangenberg, and if she's trying to send followers here she is desperate to change the ranking score that appears here and on Google. btw, there is no such person as Macallister Stone. She is a sockpuppet for Lisa Spangenberg who also goes by the name Medievalist.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Does anyone know how to post live links here?
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Has anyone looked up the Absolute Visions book on Amazon and noticed the only reviewer so far has been L.S.? http://www.amazon.com/Absolute-Visions-MacAllister-Stone/dp/098487190X
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Doesn't surprise me in the least.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Everyone needs to look at your link, Cindy. Lisa Spangenberg gives herself away again, just like she did in the PublisherW post below. Notice in the Amazon review that Macallister Stone is the book editor, okay, but the one review is by, guess who, Lisa Spangenberg! Lisa, writing as herself, neglects to mention Macallister Stone in the review! Why? We all know why. She *is* Macallister Stone. If she were not, she would have credited and thanked the real editor of the book, but that didn't happen. Lisa feeds the lie of Macallister all the time, but isn't as clever at it as she thinks she is. Sad and funny at the same time. Lisa Spangenberg is in need of serious therapy. She needs to learn to not work out her rage on others. At least she didn't try to include her own work in the anthology. She knows her limitations. The director, owner, and boss head chopper of Absolute Write can't write. It's no wonder she hires moderators and tolerates non-writers giving advice on Absolute Write. They are not a threat to her.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I hope she shows up here as sorcha.r in an attempt to distract, argue, or bully her way out of this one. We are waiting for you, Lisa. As a professional in the shrink biz, as my husband likes to call it, I should be understanding of Lisa and tolerant of her behavior with an eye towards helping her heal, but I can't. Like dozens of people here, and thousands of other writers who have been assaulted by Absolute Write, harassed and threatened, I began to hate the moderators and their supervisor, Macallister Stone. Yes, I have to say it, the word "hate" applies. I'm not proud of it, not at all. It's just there. You can only witness so much pathology enacted on others before you begin to hate. I have to learn to forgive myself, and to move beyond this condition. In a sense, I have post- traumatic Absolute Write syndrome, or PTAWS.
2 weeks ago • Votes (2)
ETA: links to my review.
I didn't have as bad an experience as some, but I saw some horrible things being said to fellow members and if you spoke up then you were told to go to time out, like we're children! I am not a child and don't need someone on the net to put me in time out. Want evidence of how the owner treats people:
Enough said.
I didn't have as bad an experience as some, but I saw some horrible things being said to fellow members and if you spoke up then you were told to go to time out, like we're children! I am not a child and don't need someone on the net to put me in time out. Want evidence of how the owner treats people:
Enough said.
Good Lord. Another Write Agenda troll.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
LOL! Good lord, another ridiculous accusation and evasion by Lisa Spangenberg, the real owner of the abusive and bullying snake pit called Absolute Write, and using one of her many sockpuppets. Face facts, Lisa, the huge revelation of Macallister Stone as your sockpuppet troll is drawing viewers by the hundreds and posters by the score. You can't turn it off. You can't ban the users here. You won't stop it. And yes, just like the abusive mods on Absolute Write, you defame anyone and everyone who dares to critique you or your big abusive website. Any viewer here can easily find the abuse and confirm what people here are saying. No one is inventing anything, and it can't be exaggerated. You can't bully your way out of this. This is just the beginning. And yes, everyone who comes here in response to your antics is just a Write Agenda troll with an agenda. Shoot the messenger is all you can do. That's all you can do. We're all Write Agenda trolls, Lisa, Yes, it's true. Your super powers are amazing. You must be a telepath. I have learned you are a frustrated fantasy writer who can't write. We are all talking. I think I'll go join the Write Agenda now. LOL!
3 weeks ago • Votes (2)
You need to come clean, Lisa, and honestly admit to the readers here who might be considering Absolute Write as a landing place that the website is run by someone who can't write. If anyone doubts this statement they have only to do the research. Tech manuals don't count unless that is the focus of the website. btw, does everyone know that your plugs on Linked In for your expertise on the tech manual are your sockpuppet Macallister Stone and your husband Michael Cohen? That's what I hear and what I see. I'm on Linked In, btw. See if you can pick me out of the crowd, then come back and report you findings. Use your telepathy power, or your fairy magic, or both. I recommend anyone reading this to join Linked In and see for themselves. The truth shall set us all free. Please join a writing website run by real writers with real credentials!
3 weeks ago • Votes (2)
The Write Agenda is another site that dislikes AW and their owner/moderators. I guess we're all trolls, did anyone see the link to the AW's owner's twitter feed? I wonder if she'll hurry to delete it since it got posted. It clearly states for people to go see the troll's at SiteJabber, then gives the addy here. I guess someone is upset that they can't get this stuff deleted. I have no problem posting my opinions of the site just as they have no problems posting horrible things to others on their site. They think they own the net and can bully anyone. I'm astonished by the amount of posts that show up over there by followers asking to know how to get people fired (just as in the case of Tom D. here) and/or get their business to go under. Ruining businesses for years has been something they love to do, that's why Bewares and Backgrounds Check is their highest traffic forum.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Oh, ok, there is an AW / WA thing going on, now I see.
Well I don't know who is who here (really don't care). But from what I see and understand (don't work for this site) comments and reviews cannot be deleted as the comment is part of the review.
This website design is not like a forum board website where the moderators have control over an individual post and can easily move or delete it and retain the intercity of the post thread (like in a database). And is why everyone can still see them.
They can internally remove a comment or review that violates the site terms (and they regularly do) which may not be as harsh as a moderated forum board, as this is not a "forum based website" it's a website review website, and does not have a topic/thread moderator. This removed review/comment is still there, its just no one can see it and why some comments may look funny as the comment being read may had applied to a comment which was removed.
And as everyone does read these comments, yes the site moderators here, we call them the site admin, do see the reviews and comments and do watch and police them. I even have some of the site admin following my reviews and comments and I also follow theirs.
A user can make a review/s for a website.
A user can edit their review/s.
A user can remove that review from view (its not deleted and hides all comments).
A user can post a comment.
A user can not edit or remove a comment.
And BTW, thanks for a nice reply.
Oh, ok, there is an AW / WA thing going on, now I see.
Well I don't know who is who here (really don't care). But from what I see and understand (don't work for this site) comments and reviews cannot be deleted as the comment is part of the review.
This website design is not like a forum board website where the moderators have control over an individual post and can easily move or delete it and retain the intercity of the post thread (like in a database). And is why everyone can still see them.
They can internally remove a comment or review that violates the site terms (and they regularly do) which may not be as harsh as a moderated forum board, as this is not a "forum based website" it's a website review website, and does not have a topic/thread moderator. This removed review/comment is still there, its just no one can see it and why some comments may look funny as the comment being read may had applied to a comment which was removed.
And as everyone does read these comments, yes the site moderators here, we call them the site admin, do see the reviews and comments and do watch and police them. I even have some of the site admin following my reviews and comments and I also follow theirs.
A user can make a review/s for a website.
A user can edit their review/s.
A user can remove that review from view (its not deleted and hides all comments).
A user can post a comment.
A user can not edit or remove a comment.
And BTW, thanks for a nice reply.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
- http://www.bbb.org/buffalo/business-reviews/writers-business/absolute-write-in-rochester-ny-57106104/
- http://lionsong-publishing.com/2013/04/28/its-new-its-scary-it-must-be-bad/
- http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/absolutewritecom-stay-away-from-this-one-c643097.html
- http://write2publish.blogspot.com.au/2011/06/ive-been-banned.html
- http://stopthegrbullies.com/
- http://thewriteagenda.wordpress.com/
- 3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
We can't all be Write Agenda trolls dear.
3 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Pshaw. Sure you can.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Hello, Lisa. By lumping all critics into the Write Agenda, dismissing and insulting them all as trolls, you are using a strategy to deny the truth and refuse responsibility, just like you do on Absolute Write. Try to stop and consider the feelings or viewpoints of someone besides yourself. Are you that narcissistic? There were strong critics of AW here long before this latest burst of critique. Look and read. The theme is the same.
2 weeks ago • Votes (2)
While by lumping all defenders into your silly Lisa/Mac conspiracy fabrication, you're doing exactly the same thing.
Genuine critics, like the earlier posters here, are one thing--trolls like you, who are here only to further their own Agenda or another. You only know about this site, anyway, because you've battened onto poor old crazy Tom Dark and his obsessive vendetta against Absolute Write.
Genuine critics, like the earlier posters here, are one thing--trolls like you, who are here only to further their own Agenda or another. You only know about this site, anyway, because you've battened onto poor old crazy Tom Dark and his obsessive vendetta against Absolute Write.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
No one is lumping anything. I think you can't even read, much less write. You are sooooo many misfires short of real combustion, Lisa. Dozens of people saying THE SAME THING here with links and proof of what they are saying, and all the new peeps coming off Google by the four score and seven years ago are going to believe YOU??? All they have to do is wade into Absolute Write and they'll see it. And this labeling issue you have to smear your enemies. Everyone is a TROLL! Yes! How smart. As for the "conspiracy" which is nothing of the sort, just a very lame attempt by you to create a dictator sockpuppet, the fact that you are Lisa Spangenberg posing as Macallister Stone has BEEN PROVED.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Really? By you, with your silly post at The Write Agenda? I don't think so. No one credible pays attention to that site, anyway. You couldn't even get Vox Day to acknowledge you, and you kissed his ass like nobody's business.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I have no affiliations with either WA or the GR bullies site, but I have an opinion and posted it. Sad to see the same old "agenda" crap being posted. I have no agenda, never did. I feel bad for Tom because of the crap AW posted about him and he's the only one as of late who is willing to stand up to your bullying tactics. I think if more small publishers and agents did it early on then a lot of the crap posted on AW would have been removed long ago. You guys post stuff with nothing to back up claims. You are ruining people's reputations online and laughing about it. I hate to see young, new writers being duped by the AW mods into thinking if you don't write a best seller and find a big new york agent or publisher that they approve of then you are an utter failure and should shelve that book and go to work on a new one, a "better one." Guess what, if you don't keep rewriting and learning then you can write fifty bad books and not one will be published. Sad.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
You are a one-script automaton, and as such, a sorrowful fool of a woman. I work with strong, intelligent women every day, and women like you bring us all down like bad ratings at Site Jabber. It matters not to anyone that the WA did this, or Vox Rox did that. Even here on Site Jabber we see more evidence you and Macallister are the same person. I'm speaking to the Amazon review that you, Lisa Spangenberg, wrote for Macallister Stone's book. You failed to acknowledge Stone while praising others. That was pointed out earlier.
A really stupid mistake.
Once again, the lie is obvious.
A really stupid mistake.
Once again, the lie is obvious.
2 weeks ago • Votes (2)
It's also remarkable that after a year not one member of Absolute Write has stopped by to rate the book. Not even the writers in the book. You say your membership is 50,000+? It appears that 49,900 of them have passed through the forums of Absolute Write like bullets through rancid cheese, and do not feel they owe you anything. One can't help but wonder how many of them were insulted, bullied, and threatened by you and your stooges.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
By the way, Lisa, you can only persevere with the nonsensical Write Agenda troll accusation for so long before you begin to appear rather unhinged. You have littered Site Jabber with this. You need a new evasion. Work on it, and try to be a strong woman, not one who takes out their rage on others who are looking to her for support. What could be a worse betrayal?
Please consider it, Lisa.
Please consider it, Lisa.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
A lot of the usernames on AW have been banned. That means you can still see them as members and look up posts but they cannot log on and answer. That's the way they do it over there. It keeps membership numbers up and usually the banned come back and make a new username. I've seen one man make up to four or five usernames, each one banned.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Oooh, looks like I hit a nerve there.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Those links show a growing anger toward the poster, sad but the norm.
1 week ago • Votes (1)
See the link above. This pretty much props the theory that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write, and Macallister Stone a nonexistent creature manufactured for purposes of evasion and havoc.
See the link above. This pretty much props the theory that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write, and Macallister Stone a nonexistent creature manufactured for purposes of evasion and havoc.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Just adding this.
Just adding this.
1 week ago • Votes (1)
Despicable people to do that.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Hello, new to this thread, but found something that I feel is pertinent to the overall discussion whether this site is moderated by people who engage in bullying or not.
I was a regular member of boing! boing!, where one of AW's mods Teresa Nielsen Hayden also moderated around 2007-2008, much to the chagrin of bb's members, for her style was very similar to AW's "agree with me or get banned" style. A blogger named Brian Carnell happened to call her out on instances of hypocritical "disemvoweling" (a practice Teresa did to render people's posts meaningless). I thought Carnell's post was critical, but fair. Half way down in the comments section, however, Lisa Spangenberg did not and wrote:
You know, until you’re moderating a community with thousands of active posters, your opinion doesn’t mean $#*!, Brian.
You’re an armchair driver, with absolutely no clue about what is going on behind the Window that you don’t see–but feel fine about sitting on your ass and pontificating about.
You can read Carnell's entire blog post and her comments here.
Will try to hyperlink it here.
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Demonstrates How *Not* To Moderate an Internet Forum[/URL
My point being, Lisa didn't like that her good friend was getting some valid criticism and instead of responding with logical, cool-headed debate (as we would expect a moderator to do) she went off on an ad hominem attack (name-calling). Brian Carnell, to his credit, didn't shy away from a response.
If Lisa is in fact, MacAllister Stone (and so far I've seen no proof she isn't with a real photo, driver's license, electric bill--as requested in this forum) then take into account that this is the kind of attack a moderator of a major writing website is willing make public. It is a shameful way to represent one's writing community and if I were a young writer looking for advice, I'd think twice before joining a community where this kind of discourse is not only unapologetically the norm, but it sets the tone for other moderators as well.
I was a regular member of boing! boing!, where one of AW's mods Teresa Nielsen Hayden also moderated around 2007-2008, much to the chagrin of bb's members, for her style was very similar to AW's "agree with me or get banned" style. A blogger named Brian Carnell happened to call her out on instances of hypocritical "disemvoweling" (a practice Teresa did to render people's posts meaningless). I thought Carnell's post was critical, but fair. Half way down in the comments section, however, Lisa Spangenberg did not and wrote:
You know, until you’re moderating a community with thousands of active posters, your opinion doesn’t mean $#*!, Brian.
You’re an armchair driver, with absolutely no clue about what is going on behind the Window that you don’t see–but feel fine about sitting on your ass and pontificating about.
You can read Carnell's entire blog post and her comments here.
Will try to hyperlink it here.
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Demonstrates How *Not* To Moderate an Internet Forum[/URL
My point being, Lisa didn't like that her good friend was getting some valid criticism and instead of responding with logical, cool-headed debate (as we would expect a moderator to do) she went off on an ad hominem attack (name-calling). Brian Carnell, to his credit, didn't shy away from a response.
If Lisa is in fact, MacAllister Stone (and so far I've seen no proof she isn't with a real photo, driver's license, electric bill--as requested in this forum) then take into account that this is the kind of attack a moderator of a major writing website is willing make public. It is a shameful way to represent one's writing community and if I were a young writer looking for advice, I'd think twice before joining a community where this kind of discourse is not only unapologetically the norm, but it sets the tone for other moderators as well.
I haven't used its services personally but can provide the following opinions.
As someone with graphic design and web marketing experience, I can tell you that the site is a visual mess and little more than a collection of ads, frankly.
It also doesn't seem to have an FTC-mandated privacy policy telling viewers how it will handle any information it collects from them. That might not be such a big deal if it weren't for the issues its owners/moderators seem to have respecting people's privacy and acting professionally, generally, according to comments on Sitejabbers.
Thus I would give this blog/site/whatever a wide berth.
As someone with graphic design and web marketing experience, I can tell you that the site is a visual mess and little more than a collection of ads, frankly.
It also doesn't seem to have an FTC-mandated privacy policy telling viewers how it will handle any information it collects from them. That might not be such a big deal if it weren't for the issues its owners/moderators seem to have respecting people's privacy and acting professionally, generally, according to comments on Sitejabbers.
Thus I would give this blog/site/whatever a wide berth.
It is also a little unfair to give a five star to a site you have never used. You can see how it has emotionally traumatized the users here. You should open your eyes.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
You'e have a good point, Keely. I amended my review as even if the moderators and owners of this site did not appear to be harassing or cyber stalking anyone, the site is nothing but a collection of advertisements as opposed to a serious service and it doesn't have an FTC-required privacy policy.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I don't click on any links on AW because they are all associated with the google click program where you get paid by the more people who click the books listed and their name they have it under is "Absowrit" or "Absowrit-20" because you can see it at the end of the link. How do I know this? Because the books on my personal blog are done this way. I only had a few blog readers so of course I didn't get paid that much but with thousands of people coming onto AW a day I am sure they get something. The ads are not from google, not all of them because if you scan your mouse over them you will see they do not redirect to google sites but the sites for that said ad.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Thanks, Blue D. There's nothing wrong with having ads on one's site, in my opinion. However, when a site is comprised almost entirely of ads, rather than serious content, it doesn't provide much value to viewers.
Absolute Write doesn't seem very discerning about the type of ads it posts either. For example, I just saw a giant banner ad for Progressive Insurance, which is not a company generally associated with resources teaching people how to write well.
There are lots of serious blogs/sites out there about teaching people how to write so there's no need to go with one that has many issues as Absolute Write seems to have, in my view.
Absolute Write doesn't seem very discerning about the type of ads it posts either. For example, I just saw a giant banner ad for Progressive Insurance, which is not a company generally associated with resources teaching people how to write well.
There are lots of serious blogs/sites out there about teaching people how to write so there's no need to go with one that has many issues as Absolute Write seems to have, in my view.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Absolute Write makes money by smearing others. We all know this. They create conflict that ranks high on google and brings viewers in by the hundreds to watch the conflicts. They gain ratings that way, just like a television program that gains viewers with sex and violence. With every human being or press or organization they smear, they get a top three in google with a Beware tag next to the name of the victim.
Shrewd. Effective. You see the clicks mounting. They pour in from the search results. They click on the ads. A few become site members. The cabal of Lisa is constanly promoting Absolute Write while they are tearing down someone else.
The owner is making lots and lots of money. That is why she is here making dozens of attack posts using techniques of obfuscation.
Her name here is sorcha r. If she arrives you will see the obfuscation I am talking about.
Shrewd. Effective. You see the clicks mounting. They pour in from the search results. They click on the ads. A few become site members. The cabal of Lisa is constanly promoting Absolute Write while they are tearing down someone else.
The owner is making lots and lots of money. That is why she is here making dozens of attack posts using techniques of obfuscation.
Her name here is sorcha r. If she arrives you will see the obfuscation I am talking about.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
K-K-K-Keely K, do you get $10 every time you use the word "obfuscation?"
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
LISAAAA! Hey, how ya doing? G--G-G-Good to see you! Hey, Miss Sorcha R. who claims not to be Lisa Spangenberg, the Medievalist on Absolute Write who lives with medieval things day in and day out. Just found this quote online: " Sorcha Faal appears to be an acronym for a multi-generational cabal of Ashkenazim Jewish women who first formed clear back in 1290 A.D." So you are Jewish Lisa, yes? YES. And this is medieval stuff, yes? YES. SIMPLE MATH, Lisa. You are Lisa Spangenberg. Yet another proof from your one of your favorite scam-bot trolls, me. What are the odds that you would name your fake profile after a medieval Jewish underground order if you are not Lisa of Absolute Write? What are the odds? Slim and none! Kinda stupid of you?
I am Jewish too. I love Jewish culture. I'm a Jew-Bu too. Boo! Boo! L'chaim, Lisa! Now, a fact we cannot ignore. Since you are the owner of Absolute Write, there is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST behind every claim you make here on Sitejabber. On this board you keep pretending YOU ARE A CASUAL USER who has just stopped by to battle to the death everyone who doesn't like your slash and bash forum. The fact is, no casual user would do this!!! No one! Wasn't this pointed out before? Let's point it out again. ONLY THE OWNER of Absolute Write would suck up so much of their life debating and insulting everyone who gets a rash just thinking about her website. Common sense! No one can trust anything you say with a suitable degree of certainty about anything related to Absolute Write or its horde of detractors. Of course, the head of AW is going to be a mean little fairy.
I am Jewish too. I love Jewish culture. I'm a Jew-Bu too. Boo! Boo! L'chaim, Lisa! Now, a fact we cannot ignore. Since you are the owner of Absolute Write, there is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST behind every claim you make here on Sitejabber. On this board you keep pretending YOU ARE A CASUAL USER who has just stopped by to battle to the death everyone who doesn't like your slash and bash forum. The fact is, no casual user would do this!!! No one! Wasn't this pointed out before? Let's point it out again. ONLY THE OWNER of Absolute Write would suck up so much of their life debating and insulting everyone who gets a rash just thinking about her website. Common sense! No one can trust anything you say with a suitable degree of certainty about anything related to Absolute Write or its horde of detractors. Of course, the head of AW is going to be a mean little fairy.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I am the good Jewish sorceress of the East. Everyone take note. Lisa is the mean Jewish fairy of the Absolute Write West. She is a schmendrick fairy!!!
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Oh, and I almost forgot, Lisa. Your schmendrick comment re the $10 above is officially obfuscation. K-K-Keely is right. Do you S-S-See that, Sorcha of The Cabal?
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
No, silly. It's ridicule.
BTW, I've always been curious about you Agenda dudes' Jewish schtick. Wassup with that?
BTW, I've always been curious about you Agenda dudes' Jewish schtick. Wassup with that?
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Nice try, L-L-Lisa.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
That's a valid, theory Keely. Please see the Q&A section of this site for info about complaining to the domain registrar and host of Absoluteright.com legally (100%) and effectively (hopefully).
1 week ago • Votes (0)
It has been happening weekly for years--rather hard at this point not to see intention behind the madness.
1 week ago • Votes (1)
I agree, Publisher W. A couple of us raised this issue on the forum section of this site and it
looks like the wonderful admin guys are working on a feature that will make it harder to abuse this site the way I believe that the owners for Absolute Write are abusing it -
looks like the wonderful admin guys are working on a feature that will make it harder to abuse this site the way I believe that the owners for Absolute Write are abusing it -
1 week ago • Votes (0)
If you create a way to "lock pages" then there are those who will strive to get the forum locked. In essence, you will simply be encouraging the very behavior you are trying to curb. The real issue is abusive overposting by a few, and we have seen that here. Many of those posts are now gone. Free speech needs to rule the day. Can you not imagine scenarios wherein the putrid business being hurt by the truth sends its employees here to barrage the forums and get them locked? Wasn't that precisely what was going on here at one point? A check on abusive posters is the key, not the wholesale locking of forums after a stream of commentary.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Publisher W, Keely K, Sarah L, and the rest of the Write Agenda socks won't thank you for that post, Janna C.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
I disagree with Janna on some level, but in spirit I support the desire to prevent abuse. Lisa, as usual, arrives to obfuscate. I do like that word.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Just as I thought. Check out Publisher W's responses to Janna's question: http://www.sitejabber.com/forum/sj-questions-updates/it-would-be-great-if-there-was-a-way-to-lock-pages-that-have-become-forums-for-bizarre-feuds
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Just as you thought. Someone find a Shakespeare quote relevant to this much ado.
1 week ago • Votes (0)
"Publisher W, Keely K, Sarah L, and the rest of the Write Agenda socks won't thank you for that post, Janna C."
Oh dear. Can I hide in whatever storage facility you've likely given Name.com as your legal residence, Mrs. Stone, or is full of your sock puppets?
Oh dear. Can I hide in whatever storage facility you've likely given Name.com as your legal residence, Mrs. Stone, or is full of your sock puppets?
1 week ago • Votes (1)
Oh, Janna, I can't stop laughing!!!
1 week ago • Votes (0)
Like so many others posting here, I saw this angry struggle on google, and came to investigate. The owner is on this forum under various guises, going from topic to topic making wild accusations just like she does on Absolute Write. She has no choice and she must be desperate because she won't stop. I'm glad a lot of her posts have been deleted by Sitejabber staff.
I am shocked to learn Macallister Stone is really Lisa 'Spangenberg, but when I look back on their angry posts, they do sound like the same person many times, and Macallister Lisa seems to have become more and more angry over the years. Is power corrupting absolutely? It seems that way. She acts like she has no soul at all. If anyone doesn't believe it I recommend a trip to Absolute Write to learn the truth, or even Good Reads. Here is an article on bullying at Good Reads. This sounds exactly like Absolute Write, and Lisa Spangenberg is known as a big bully on Good Reads according to STGRB:
You will see the owner's attempt to obfuscate this issue below.
I am shocked to learn Macallister Stone is really Lisa 'Spangenberg, but when I look back on their angry posts, they do sound like the same person many times, and Macallister Lisa seems to have become more and more angry over the years. Is power corrupting absolutely? It seems that way. She acts like she has no soul at all. If anyone doesn't believe it I recommend a trip to Absolute Write to learn the truth, or even Good Reads. Here is an article on bullying at Good Reads. This sounds exactly like Absolute Write, and Lisa Spangenberg is known as a big bully on Good Reads according to STGRB:
You will see the owner's attempt to obfuscate this issue below.
Oh for heaven's sake. Absolute Write has nothing to do with the latest Goodreads bullying kerfluffe. Nice try at confusing the issue, Write Agenda troll, but it isn't fooling anyone.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
The STGRB stuff on Lisa and the absurd Mac/Lisa conspiracy theory is recycled garbage from The Write Agenda, by the way, which is the original source of this stupid rumor. So no surprise to find it mentioned by "Keely K," drive-by reviewer.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
But please make your own decisions and read as much as you can. Are all these critical posters and their messages accurately redefined by the narcissism and anger of this anonymous fake profile called sorcha r.? Or is there truth to them? Hint: it's actually pretty easy to verify what the critics are saying about the ongoing abuse at Absolute Write. Judge for yourself. It's a blood bath.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
And one other thing. Labeling this poster Keely as a "drive-by reviewer" is just an attempt to discredit her. Sitejabber is filled with "drive-by" reviewers. What of it? It is also filled with business owners like sorcha r. assuming fake identities and attempting to smear their critics. Nothing new. Just ask yourself, why does sorcha r. spend so much time and effort hanging out here and smearing posters? Keely did not say Absolute Write was involved in the Good Reads smears. She said Lisa Spangenberg is on Good Reads, and that the Good Reads smears and attacks were like those on Absolute Write, and that is true. Matter of fact, you are getting a small dose of it here with sorcha r.
And btw, there is no recycled garbage involved. Someone proved that Macallister Stone of Absolute Write is Lisa Spangenberg. The evidence is pretty clear. But judge for yourself rather than take our word for it.
And btw, there is no recycled garbage involved. Someone proved that Macallister Stone of Absolute Write is Lisa Spangenberg. The evidence is pretty clear. But judge for yourself rather than take our word for it.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Really? Who proved it? Not The Write Agenda, with that post you've been pimping here--that post is a classic example of pseudo-logic.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Pimping around? I've seen plenty of evidence on three websites that have convinced me that Macallister Stone is a sockpuppet of yours, Lisa. There is nothing illogical about any of it. No one could say irrefutable, of course, but it's good enough for me. Your opinons are your own.
Again, rather than watch Lisa act snarky and insulting, judge for yourself everyone.
Again, rather than watch Lisa act snarky and insulting, judge for yourself everyone.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
That is the word we should use when describing the act of sorcha r., alias Lisa Spangenberg, alias Macallister Stone. She is engaged in obfuscation. Her tactics are to label, misdirect, and smear rather than address the evidence, but this is all she can do.
Obfuscation. Evidence is labeled garbage and stupid rumor, the posters are labeled trolls, and in an act of misdirect, she makes the false claim that I am confusing the issue which I am not. See Melissa's post above. Therefore I will repeat what I said, just one more time.
Here is an article on bullying at Good Reads. This sounds exactly like Absolute Write, and Lisa Spangenberg is known as a big bully on Good Reads according to STGRB:
That is the word we should use when describing the act of sorcha r., alias Lisa Spangenberg, alias Macallister Stone. She is engaged in obfuscation. Her tactics are to label, misdirect, and smear rather than address the evidence, but this is all she can do.
Obfuscation. Evidence is labeled garbage and stupid rumor, the posters are labeled trolls, and in an act of misdirect, she makes the false claim that I am confusing the issue which I am not. See Melissa's post above. Therefore I will repeat what I said, just one more time.
Here is an article on bullying at Good Reads. This sounds exactly like Absolute Write, and Lisa Spangenberg is known as a big bully on Good Reads according to STGRB:
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
The same old on this thread, only the owner has labeled about ten id's as sock puppets and banned them instantly. Didn't they accuse everyone here of being sock puppets?
The same old on this thread, only the owner has labeled about ten id's as sock puppets and banned them instantly. Didn't they accuse everyone here of being sock puppets?
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
What three websites, Melissa S? One is The Write Agenda, where the rumor originated. What are the other two?
K-K-K-Keely K--fractured logic in aid of smearing people ("I found an article on bullying at Goodreads, sounds like bullying at Absolute Write, STGRB says Lisa Spangenberg is a bully, Lisa Spangenberg is MacAllister Stone!") is a hallmark of The Write Agenda. How 'bout THAT obfuscation?
K-K-K-Keely K--fractured logic in aid of smearing people ("I found an article on bullying at Goodreads, sounds like bullying at Absolute Write, STGRB says Lisa Spangenberg is a bully, Lisa Spangenberg is MacAllister Stone!") is a hallmark of The Write Agenda. How 'bout THAT obfuscation?
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
You're falling apart, Lisa. We can all see it. You give your real identity away with every snarky post. You talk just like Macallister Stone. How strange. Mocking my name. So Macallister, vintage Macallister. I'm sorry you can't ban me from this site and continue to bash me after I'm gone. You remind me of Nancy Grace who killed that woman with her accusations and continued to prosecute her after her death. Heartless. Without an ounce of pure soul.
Back to obfuscation.
I don't need anyone to tell me you are a bully. I have seen it. Everyone has seen it. You can't smear the truth out of existence. You can't smear us enough to convince visitors to this site that you are the real victim. You can try, and you will continue, but it won't work.
STGRB is simply telling the truth about your bullying, just like they are telling the truth about you being Macallister Stone. You are Macallister Stone. Whether the Write Agenda broke the news first, or not, doesn't matter to anyone but you because you have no choice but to obfuscate as much as possible. Casting doubt on the evidence displayed by STGRB, this website, and Write Agenda by smearing is simply more obfuscation.
Anyone who reads this will see your personality coming out above. Your insults and rage are all over this website.
May Hera help the poor souls on Absolute Write.
Back to obfuscation.
I don't need anyone to tell me you are a bully. I have seen it. Everyone has seen it. You can't smear the truth out of existence. You can't smear us enough to convince visitors to this site that you are the real victim. You can try, and you will continue, but it won't work.
STGRB is simply telling the truth about your bullying, just like they are telling the truth about you being Macallister Stone. You are Macallister Stone. Whether the Write Agenda broke the news first, or not, doesn't matter to anyone but you because you have no choice but to obfuscate as much as possible. Casting doubt on the evidence displayed by STGRB, this website, and Write Agenda by smearing is simply more obfuscation.
Anyone who reads this will see your personality coming out above. Your insults and rage are all over this website.
May Hera help the poor souls on Absolute Write.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Oh, come on, "Keely". You know who I am. I bet it kills you that your Agenda here compels you to keep pretending that you think I'm Lisa!
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
But Lisa, you are Lisa. Busted again and again!
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Sorcha r. = owner of Absolute Write = Macallister Stone = Lisa Spangenberg.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
The users of Sitejabber need to know who they're dealing with here. They need to know that this is the owner of Absolute Write who is typing all this crapola to defend her bullying site.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Let me pretend, I'm Lisa ... Ahem. "Okay, you Agenda troll, are you finished with your Agenda trolling today? Now go get another suit of clothes and come back as another troll! All you trolls say the same thing. I might listen if you were a real reviewer and not a trolling, Agenda scam-bot sockpuppet! And I'm not Lisa!"
Something like that? Whatcha think, Lisa?
Something like that? Whatcha think, Lisa?
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I've lurked on and off for 2 years, and have learned a lot from the experienced folks at AW. The only people I've personally seen banned are spammers, bigots, and people behaving badly.
Meanwhile, I've received valuable info on query letters, what to look for in a publisher, contract clarification, and how to polish my own prose. I'd recommend it to anyone who is serious about publishing as a business.
Meanwhile, I've received valuable info on query letters, what to look for in a publisher, contract clarification, and how to polish my own prose. I'd recommend it to anyone who is serious about publishing as a business.
That's so untrue, so absolutely wrong. "Behaving badly" is anyone who defies their autocratic rule, and as others point out here again and again, they are just plain bad writers, incompetent to say the least. If you are a rank amateur writer you might get something useful from it, yes. If you're not, you will find it rather amateurish and just plain wrong.
7/27/13 • Votes (0)
Hi there! It's me, Sara again. Frankly, if not for the bizarre ramblings above hitting my inbox once a week I would have forgotten about this place.
I suppose then it's time for an update.
While I still stand by that the people I've seen banned are trouble makers (trolls, bigots, spammers, and people with a few screws loose... I'll take a wild guess and say like the ramblers above) Absolute Write is no longer a place I wholeheartedly endorse.
I haven't had any personal altercations with any of the mods, but I've become more and more uncomfortable with how they treat new people at the site. Many of them are abrasive at best. There's the feeling that they've answered the simple and dumb questions so many times that they're sick of it. It's understandable, but not helpful if you happen to be dealing with newbies. I feel like if someone is burned out, maybe they should step aside. I've also seen quite a few instances of mods going into the other rooms for some "drive by snark" that's JUST on this side of outright rude to members. And naturally, when they hit somewhere or someone sensitive there's a big blowout that the mod's always win because their word is law.
However, it's still invaluable for background checks on publishers and agents who might be doing some shady business. It's gotten a lot of hate from scammers because of that. So they're on the side of the angels... they're just not always nice about it.
No, Absolute Write is not what I call a friendly, welcoming place. But it is a great resource to learn the ins and outs of publishing, to make connections, to find out who to watch for and what's new in the publishing world. I still recommend it.
I suppose then it's time for an update.
While I still stand by that the people I've seen banned are trouble makers (trolls, bigots, spammers, and people with a few screws loose... I'll take a wild guess and say like the ramblers above) Absolute Write is no longer a place I wholeheartedly endorse.
I haven't had any personal altercations with any of the mods, but I've become more and more uncomfortable with how they treat new people at the site. Many of them are abrasive at best. There's the feeling that they've answered the simple and dumb questions so many times that they're sick of it. It's understandable, but not helpful if you happen to be dealing with newbies. I feel like if someone is burned out, maybe they should step aside. I've also seen quite a few instances of mods going into the other rooms for some "drive by snark" that's JUST on this side of outright rude to members. And naturally, when they hit somewhere or someone sensitive there's a big blowout that the mod's always win because their word is law.
However, it's still invaluable for background checks on publishers and agents who might be doing some shady business. It's gotten a lot of hate from scammers because of that. So they're on the side of the angels... they're just not always nice about it.
No, Absolute Write is not what I call a friendly, welcoming place. But it is a great resource to learn the ins and outs of publishing, to make connections, to find out who to watch for and what's new in the publishing world. I still recommend it.
8/12/13 • Votes (1)
Tom: You're a Loony Toon, man. Bouncing off the walls crazy. Turning off my alerts now...
Everyone else: I'll try to update in about six months or so with how I feel the site is doing. :)
Everyone else: I'll try to update in about six months or so with how I feel the site is doing. :)
4 weeks ago • Votes (1)
"However, it's still invaluable for background checks on publishers and agents who might be doing some shady business."
Actually, this isn't true. Though Absolute Write has cornered some scammers in the past, the Star Chamber mentality is always looking for more "scammers" to expose and drive up the numbers, thus the Salem Witch trial mentality they exhibit. I've seen good agents and professionals wake up to pages of trolls and faerie creatures ripping them to pieces over nothing more substantive than an axe-grinder's false tale. It makes me ashamed to share my humanity with such cretins and sociopaths.
Actually, this isn't true. Though Absolute Write has cornered some scammers in the past, the Star Chamber mentality is always looking for more "scammers" to expose and drive up the numbers, thus the Salem Witch trial mentality they exhibit. I've seen good agents and professionals wake up to pages of trolls and faerie creatures ripping them to pieces over nothing more substantive than an axe-grinder's false tale. It makes me ashamed to share my humanity with such cretins and sociopaths.
4 weeks ago • Votes (2)
If the only people this Sara has seen banned are spammers, bigots, and "people behaving badly" then her definition of "behaving badly" must include everyone here who gives Absolute Write one star.
3 weeks ago • Votes (3)
Note to anyone reading this thread. Before the site admins stepped in, there was this obsessive stalker guy named 'Tom D' who was posting rambling, non-nonsensical comment after comment. The "Looney Toon" disparagement was directed to him (as honestly, he was getting more than a little scary...) and not to the ladies on this thread.
People can disagree with me, I don't mind, but I try to reserve outright name calling to people who deserve it. Just wanted to clear it up. :)
People can disagree with me, I don't mind, but I try to reserve outright name calling to people who deserve it. Just wanted to clear it up. :)
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Give us a break.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Here we go again with Sara C. Smear the messenger, misdirect, label.
I like this Macallister Lisa snark comment: "I try to reserve outright name calling to people who deserve it." Her grammar is poor, though we get the point. It's funny but not funny when I think of all the people smeared by her on Absolute Write.
Here we go again with Sara C. Smear the messenger, misdirect, label.
I like this Macallister Lisa snark comment: "I try to reserve outright name calling to people who deserve it." Her grammar is poor, though we get the point. It's funny but not funny when I think of all the people smeared by her on Absolute Write.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
AW deserves all the one star reviews it gets. If you believe a site with over 50,000 supposed users (btw only about 2000 people actually get on it and only a couple hundred are users and not guests) will not have at least one tenth of the old users who dislike it then think again. I am still a member and don't post.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I wouldn't have any problem with 1-star reviews (though I wouldn't agree)--if they were real reviews by real users. What's happened over the past few weeks is an influx of reviews and comments not from users, but from a group with a vendetta. You can identify them by the way they all push the same conspiracy theory about AW's owner, rather than talking about their own personal experiences with AW, as the real reviewers and commenters do.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Busted again, Lisa. *You* "wouldn't have any problem with 1-star reviews ..." is something only the owner of Absolute Write would say, not a casual user. And yes, I'm just a SCAM-BOT. Isn't that what you called me??? The only vendetta here is your vendetta, scores of posts attacking everyone critical of your website, Absolute Write. We're just telling the absolute truth about your ABSOLUTE LIE which never seems to end. It's not a conspiracy theory. It is JUST YOUR SAD SELF SITTING ON YOUR CHAIR IN SANTA MONICA PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE, and of course your flunkies go along with it. Don't take much of a conspiracy. Course, if one ain't too bright, it might seem complicated, eh?
And open your eyes, fairy stupor, we have all had PERSONAL EXPERIENCES with your abusive website, all of us. That's why we're here! Who said obfuscation? Obfuscation times 100. You are such a fraud it makes me nauseous. Post after post discuss the bullying and false competence that runs through Absolute Write like toxic waste.
Arrghhh. I have to start happy hour early. The taint of you is causing my eyes to see dark fairy mushrooms sprouting everywhere. Yecch!
And open your eyes, fairy stupor, we have all had PERSONAL EXPERIENCES with your abusive website, all of us. That's why we're here! Who said obfuscation? Obfuscation times 100. You are such a fraud it makes me nauseous. Post after post discuss the bullying and false competence that runs through Absolute Write like toxic waste.
Arrghhh. I have to start happy hour early. The taint of you is causing my eyes to see dark fairy mushrooms sprouting everywhere. Yecch!
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
See the link above. This pretty much props the theory that Lisa Spangenberg is the real owner of Absolute Write, and Macallister Stone a nonexistent creature manufactured for purposes of evasion and havoc.
1 week ago • Votes (1)
While I found the area about writer's experiences querying agents helpful, the rest of the site is pure trash. I suspect it is now being run by a clique that thinks they are still back in junior high from the snide comments and vicious attacks on anyone that does not conform to their particular "group-think".
I have seen several people banned from the site for no apparent reason other than voicing a dissenting opinion and have watch in disgust at continued attacks on a poster who has been banned and can no longer defend his/herself.
I would limit myself to the bewares area, avoid commenting at all on any subject and take a hot shower immediately after every visit. (Might even want to scrub down the computer and monitor too just to be safe.)
I have seen several people banned from the site for no apparent reason other than voicing a dissenting opinion and have watch in disgust at continued attacks on a poster who has been banned and can no longer defend his/herself.
I would limit myself to the bewares area, avoid commenting at all on any subject and take a hot shower immediately after every visit. (Might even want to scrub down the computer and monitor too just to be safe.)
And sorcha, I am a very good friend of Victoria Strauss and Ann Crispin. I find your accusation that I am in some way connected to that hate site - Write Agenda - to be obscene. So why don't you and your sockpuppet Mai N. bugger off.
This website reminds me of the old days when phone systems were on party lines and there would be 5 houses on the same line. If you picked up the phone while someone else was using it they would ask you to get off the phone until they were done. Most people would apologize and try later, but there were those who would dileberately hang on the phone and listen to a private conversation and make noises with the phone just to piss them off. Basically, if it's none of your business, stay out of it and shut up.
I see no real problem with the site. I don't especially like it but it gives people with nothing else to do with their lives, something to do.
I see no real problem with the site. I don't especially like it but it gives people with nothing else to do with their lives, something to do.
OH PLEASE!!! You see no problem because it isn't your rear end that is getting kicked! Your job is not being threatened and your pals are not being smeared by anonymous Absolute Write avatars who act more like Tasmanian Devils with rabies. The fact that you see no real problem changes nothing. But we see A REAL PROBLEM, Bob, because the above things have happened to us, and then some! Instead of acting all aloof and cool, why don't you read the critical reviewers here who say the same things again and again and again.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Why not just avoid the site completely? I did start reading the reviews and found many to be of low intelligence. Kinda funny in a way. Maybe I should say, entertaining.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Not of high intelligence, not like yours. Low or high, whatever that really means, isn't the issue.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
And another thing, we do avoid the site, after being lured in and then trashed by an assortment of cretins and frauds.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
My advice is to read a better sample of the critical reviews. I admit there are one or two people posting here who have, let us say, become carried away. These are the exception. If you read the first posts before the threads become toxic, you will see motifs and themes appearing.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I actually did and enjoyed many of them. When I said that some were "Kinda funny in a way." and "Maybe I should say, entertaining." I meant just that. My rough way of saying that I liked them. I see too much talent being wasted and many being thrown under the bus for reasons of only self indulgence. I'd like to meet some of the bad ass talkin' vermin on a one - on - one situation in a dark alley to find out just how bad they are, or if they squeal like little piggies when confronted with reality if life. Maybe I just hit the nail on the head. Maybe some of them should get a life. Either way. Nice talkin' to ya Ms. Publisher.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I think he did a fine review. I mean he said what he liked and disliked and we all can't have the same opinion. Everyone has a different view.
2 weeks ago • Votes (4)
Yes, he did, and perhaps one day he will walk the dark alley of Absolute Write and return here to change his review to a one star.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I would have given AW three stars after being there for only two weeks. After six weeks I was down to one.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
When I reviewed the site I gave it 3 stars because I was reviewing the site itself and NOT the people who run it or the sleezy people who have nothing better to do than harass others for their own self satisfaction. If I had thought the site was only worth 1 star I wouldn't have even bothered to sit down and waste my time at the computer. I probably would have been in the kitchen cookin' up some good grub.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
"Writer's Digest" Does anyone subscribe to this? I personally find it unique>
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
It's good for beginners, but some of the advice written by freelancers is questionable. All in all, okay.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
It's much better than Absolute Write when it comes to practical and accurate advice.
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
Thank you Melissa S.
I appreciate your time and honesty for responding to my question.
I appreciate your time and honesty for responding to my question.
2 weeks ago • Votes (2)
I've been a member of this site for about five years and it got consistently worse. I've been attacked, called names, and told to keep my opinions to myself as they were unwanted-and that was just from the moderators. Moderator friends would come on with insults, often attacking and calling names and insulting all the while it was okay and within the rules because attacking a fellow writer doesn't apply to you if you are not in their inner circle of friends. I was never banned or threatened with a banning, but the more I go there now and reread old threads the more I see "Banned" below some old members who were there long before me.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
No. You butted into a conversation that did not concern you and threw a hissy fit when you got called on it. Go away troll.
2 weeks ago • Votes (2)
@Citizen Z.,
And where exactly is this where you see:
Re:> "You butted into a conversation that did not concern you"??
What conversation are you referring too, don't be vague or generic, please specify!
And where exactly is this where you see:
Re:>"when you got called on it"?
What "called on it" are you referring too, don't be vague or generic, please specify!
If you just joined the site here, you seem awful knowledgeable about something so let the readers in on it. You seem as if you are purposely trying to instigate something and want to open a dialog the users/readers here possibly do not want, again!
I may be wrong:
Re:> "Go away troll",
But I think I was commenting back to another user and nowhere was your user name involved in it. So does the Go away part refer to someone else? And who is trolling who? You came to this comment! Don't be vague or generic, please specify!
So what is you intent here? Don't be vague or generic, please specify!
Reminder - you came into a comment which has nothing to do with you, and which has no relationship what so ever with the comment you made!
Is someone just trying to instigate these comments to be flooded again?
And where exactly is this where you see:
Re:> "You butted into a conversation that did not concern you"??
What conversation are you referring too, don't be vague or generic, please specify!
And where exactly is this where you see:
Re:>"when you got called on it"?
What "called on it" are you referring too, don't be vague or generic, please specify!
If you just joined the site here, you seem awful knowledgeable about something so let the readers in on it. You seem as if you are purposely trying to instigate something and want to open a dialog the users/readers here possibly do not want, again!
I may be wrong:
Re:> "Go away troll",
But I think I was commenting back to another user and nowhere was your user name involved in it. So does the Go away part refer to someone else? And who is trolling who? You came to this comment! Don't be vague or generic, please specify!
So what is you intent here? Don't be vague or generic, please specify!
Reminder - you came into a comment which has nothing to do with you, and which has no relationship what so ever with the comment you made!
Is someone just trying to instigate these comments to be flooded again?
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
@ Mai. N. Right. Whatever you say, Troll!!!!!
2 weeks ago • Votes (2)
♫ ♫♪ ♫♫ ♪ ☺ ☮ ♙
2 weeks ago • Votes (1)
The harsh criticisms of Absolute Write on this site are justified, and then some. As a former member of the AW inner circle, I was present at several behind the scenes discussions with Lisa Spangenberg (alias Mac Stone), Victoria Strauss, James D. Macdonald, Teresa Nielsen-Hayden, and others. The mix was different from time to time depending on who was around and what writer or editor was being torn to pieces on the board. If a member of their club didn't like someone, they would all join in and emotionally beat the person with as much energy and as many phony accusations as they could until the person either left or had their account canceled. There was a definite feeling of alliance and self-righteousness to it. At times a sane voice was heard, but as the horrible fighting got worse and worse, the mob would take over. I hated it, and I left. I received a threatening letter on my way out, but I won't say from whom. They know who I am and like other people who know them, I am afraid of losing my job or having my name tarnished by their flying sock monkeys. The funny thing is that half of the big name mods there are not even writers. They pretend to be and actually give advice to newbies. The newbies are so new they don't know whether the advice is any good or not, but they take it. If anyone questions the advice in any way, they are beat down. If they resist, a mob effect takes place. This happens all the time. It's sickening to watch. I hate it. I could not be a part of it any longer. I once helped them rip a couple of eBook publishers to pieces and I had fun doing it, but I knew I was working out my own negative issues on these people. It wasn't about them, it was about me. I am so sorry I did it. They did not deserve to start their day with pages of half truths, exaggerations, and total lies told about them, their friends and businesses. No one deserves that. And those who say Lisa Spangenberg keeps it hot to encourage traffic from google is completely correct. That is exactly what she does. She profits from it every day. She pats herself on the back all the time. It's all about her 24/7.
It felt so good to say this, so good.
4 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I have several issues with Absolute Write forums, mostly being how immune their mods are even after many complaints and their quick trigger on the ban button but I do have more issues with The Write Agenda, which is really a bunch of sleazebags who are are cheering AC Crispin's illness and pointing out "fraud" while ignoring real fraud like PublishAmerica.
3 weeks ago • Votes (2)
The WA shouldn't say mean things about Crispin, but that doesn't cancel or make less true the true things they say about Absolute Write and their jerky screaming people.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
If the Absolutewrite folks are forming cabals to destroy other businesses, for commercial reasons, via fraud and libel, that could be a Sherman Anti-Trust situation and the grounds for a class-action lawsuit against them. Interested folks should talk to an attorney about that.
7 hours ago • Votes (0)
This site has been useful to me in developing as a professional writer

Hi, Lisa. Are you pretending to be a blue vampire? Wouldn't want you to lose any money from running your Google text ads that scam writers. God help us all if Absolute Write's prestige went down the toilet. What would the world come to? Like the wicked witch, you might melt to a puddle.
8/8/13 • Votes (2)
What boilerplate! Baseball has been berry berry good to me. This is a sockpuppet of Lisa or Absolute Write.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
I originally went to Absolute Write because they had a thread on Samhain Publishing. I'd just sent a manuscript into them and wanted to hear the experiences of fellow writers. In that, the site was helpful. But, foolish me, I ventured out of that particular thread and actually started perusing the "water cooler." Here's what I found, without exception: the place is made up of amateur writers, wannabees, and people who are "seriously thinking" of writing "someday." The so-called "professionals" are essentially ebook writers, and apparently, almost anyone can be published as an ewriter, nowadays. Or at least that's the impression I've been getting. They'll feature the cheesy covers of their books at the tail end of every message, and I gotta tell you, I'd never read that crap if I saw it on a bookshelf (which I apparently won't, since it's all digital). The moderators are rude to the extreme. Someone named "Haggy" (I think that's her name) moderated the "writing horror" page. The subject of The Horror Writer's Association came up--a poster wanted to know if anyone had any experience with it. Well, I have. I was a three-year "active member," which means in their top tier as someone who's actually sold my writing and made money from it. After I posted my experiences, another "writer" took issue with something I said. Suddenly, I was banned for "disrespecting another writer." I was clueless as to what that meant. Then, this Haggy individual had the nerve to post that I needed to read the "stickies" about how to respect my fellow writers. Fellow writers? Cripes! There was no one on the frickin' horror board who could even qualify for membership in the Horror Writers Association, and that includes Haggy! Go figure. I didn't bother to go back. If you're a writer--a real, published author--you have no need for sites like Absolutewrite.com. They're strictly for amateurs.
The "Haggy" mod is typical, Rod, and yes, AW is strictly for amateurs. Agreed.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
Macallister Stone is a vulgar abusive bully, now people say Mac is Lisa, which wouldn't surprise me, so is she. The jokes she tells about male victims of rape turned me off AW after being a member for 2+ years
The one star is for the information that is available. I would have given more, but I am a male rape survivor and don't think AW deserves the one I was forced to use to create this review
The one star is for the information that is available. I would have given more, but I am a male rape survivor and don't think AW deserves the one I was forced to use to create this review
I hope you found peace after leaving that site.
3 weeks ago • Votes (1)
I echo that.
2 weeks ago • Votes (0)
This site is a joke. You're supposed to keep your mouth shut if you disagree with someone or if someone disrespects you. Back in March 2013 I was banned one Saturday night at around 1:00 AM and got a temporary, one-week ban for "being rude to another writer" who was extremely rude to me making the comment, "Your use of (this word) is amusing." This writer was baiting me, trying to get me into a fight, and when I replied that she was disrespectful, she deliberately got people riled with her rude responses and I had no interest in what I had to say, I got banned for a week, when I have seen members like "quicklime", yes, that's his user name, "quicklime" be extremely disrespectful to other writers and even cursing them out, all Ms. Stone does is get into the thread and say, "quicklime, knock it off," like he's 5 years old and takes no further action. I've even seen him making fun of people that have gotten banned. What does Mc. Allister do? Egg him on and cheer for him.
This was the most horrible experience ever, I've had 5 or 6 people in there being extremely disrespectful to me and I'm supposed to put my hands behind my back, take all the crap and do nothing about it. Another thing that irks me is Ms. Stone talks to you like you're her buddy, like she's known you for years, no formality, like she's coming up to you, pulling your arm, taking you to a place where you're both alone, and calling you out like you're her 5-year-old child. I hope all the bad reviews on here make people reconsider their decision to join this hateful site.
This was the most horrible experience ever, I've had 5 or 6 people in there being extremely disrespectful to me and I'm supposed to put my hands behind my back, take all the crap and do nothing about it. Another thing that irks me is Ms. Stone talks to you like you're her buddy, like she's known you for years, no formality, like she's coming up to you, pulling your arm, taking you to a place where you're both alone, and calling you out like you're her 5-year-old child. I hope all the bad reviews on here make people reconsider their decision to join this hateful site.
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